Friday, January 12, 2018

Yes. I’m in.

Sheriff Joe for America

You have been a great friend and incredible supporter of mine over the years, and I wanted you to be the first to hear the news.

Moments ago, I filed the paperwork to run for United States Senate in Arizona to fill the seat that Jeff Flake is leaving behind.

This is NOT going to be easy, and I pray to have your continued support today on DAY ONE of my campaign.

Yes, Sheriff Joe! I am proud to be a DAY ONE supporter!
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I have thought long and hard about this decision. And I did not make it without many discussions with my wonderful wife of over sixty years, Ava. And Ava agrees with me. We cannot sit idly by while our nation faces unprecedented challenges. President Trump needs my help in the Senate. He needs a conservative vote he can count on, and a voice in the Senate who knows first hand the threats our nation is dealing with.

And, that's why I'm running for United States Senate.

As the Sheriff of America's fourth-most populous county for two decades, I witnessed every day the danger our streets and neighborhoods are facing. As Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, my deputies and I locked up violent drug dealers, callous human traffickers, and thousands of criminal gang members that were in this country illegally.

Friend, with many of President Obama's failed and dangerous policies still in place, our nation is not safe - at least not yet. President Trump is working around the clock to make America great again, but he can't do this alone - he needs our conservative voice and my vote in Washington.

That's why he needs me in the Senate supporting him and his legislation.

Yes, Sheriff Joe! I am proud to be a DAY ONE supporter!
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Compared to when I was growing up in Springfield, Massachusetts as the proud son of Italian immigrants, our country today is barely recognizable. You know exactly what I'm talking about...
  • Sanctuary cities like San Francisco are literally refusing to hold illegal immigrants accountable for their actions, just to further their politically correct, pro-Amnesty agenda.
  • The once bedrock American commitment to paying our bills has been replaced by over $20 Trillion in national debt.
  • The liberal Left attacks the rights of law abiding gun owners -- but doesn't even bat an eye while so-called "doctors" slaughter millions of unborn children in their mother's womb every single year.
  • Millionaire athletes are lionized by the fake news media as "heroes" for disrespecting the American flag and refusing to stand for our national anthem.
Enough is enough. I'm running for Senate because I want America to be great again.

I know this isn't going to be easy. I know I'll be attacked by the far left, the establishment right and of course, the liberal media. The media is going to say every nasty thing they can think of and try to break me. But, Friend, I have never been one to shy away from a fight - and I can't in good conscience sit back in retirement knowing that my grandchildren will inherit a country worse off than the America I've spent my entire life defending.

You can count on me and the fact that I will NOT back down during this Senate campaign. And I need to know right now if you will join me in not backing down. If you will, please make an instant secure online contribution today - ON DAY ONE!

Friend, I have watched the liberal media try to tear President Trump to shreds... I know firsthand how gutless and ruthless they are. They've tried every trick in their liberal book against me, so I know how tough this Senate campaign is going to be.

Unlike my liberal opponent who is sitting on millions in campaign cash, at the end of the day I'm a retired public servant living on a retired public servant's salary.

Add in the fact that the ACLU, La Raza, and the gaggle of liberal groups that have tried to take me down over the years will no doubt join the fray against me, I truly face an uphill battle. That's why I'm asking for your help right now.

Yes, Sheriff Joe! I am proud to be a DAY ONE supporter!
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My announcement today is certain to send a shockwave across Arizona and our country. History is going to be made in 2018, starting with what happens here in Arizona and with my announcement today. I hope you will join me on this historic day by showing your support by becoming a DAY ONE supporter!

For America,

Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Conservative for U.S. Senate
"America's Toughest Sheriff"

P.S. This campaign is going to be unlike any I've ever experienced, and I know the media are going to be anxious to see the amount of support I have in these first few hours of my campaign. That's why it's critical I can count on you right now. No matter the size of your contribution, it will make a difference and ensure I can run a WINNING campaign. I hope you will consider giving as generously as you can afford.

Paid for by Sheriff Joe Arpaio for US Senate

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