If you ask me -- which you didn't, but that's okay -- Republicans are chest-thumping that they're not finished trying to repeal Obamacare because they are afraid they're going to get beaten in the upcoming Georgia special election. Simple as that.
The GOP base is furious that the party spent 7 years pretending they were going to repeal the Affordable Care Act and as soon as they had a chance, they slipped on a banana and crawled off screen. "Sorry that didn't work out," is how Mitch McConnell put it, in a truly great McConnellism
And so with an election coming, Republican voters are wondering why they would bother to go vote for a party that lied to them for 7 years and must think they're stupid. So to try to re-energize them, they're now saying they're going to repeal it and replace it -- totally for real this time. So therefore Republicans should go vote in Georgia and avoid a loss that could be catastrophic for the party's ability to hold together as a coalition. Lose in Georgia, and people might start running for the exits.
So for them, it doesn't matter how bad the bill is, or whether it can get through the Senate, they just need to pass something, anything, to show they tried. They've done it 71 times already; let's see if they can do it a 72nd.
Olivia Nuzzi in New York magazine has a nice piece that includes the detail that Steve Bannon is obsessively following the race and recognizes its import. (She's also really good on Twitter if you don't follow her already.)
For an explanation of what's in the new Trumpcare bill, here's Jonathan Cohn's story on it.
And here's Matt Fuller on the political dynamics inside the House.
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