Saturday, February 17, 2018

Help expose Betsy DeVos -- Risen on Russia -- And a second campaign unionizes

Loyal readers of this email -- or people who read it out of habit and just haven't gotten around to unsubscribing yet -- know that in 2017 I helped launch a new kind of progressive publishing house, Strong Arm Press.

The vision behind it has always been to create a reader-driven publishing house, where the audience has a significant say in which books get published and how much muscle we can put behind them. We'll post edited versions of book proposals online, and if people want the books made, they can pre-order or otherwise contribute. If it looks like there's demand, we'll push it forward. If there isn't, the money gets refunded.

This week, we launched our first attempt to crowdfund a book, an investigation into Betsy DeVos, and already 36 people have made contributions to help get the book published, some of them giving surprisingly big donations. People really, really don't like Betsy DeVos. The manuscript, by Jason Linkins and Phil Lewis, is largely completed. If you want to help get this book over the top, you can do so here. You'll also get a copy of it with your donation. (Scroll down to see an image of the cover for the book, called School House Wreck.)

If Devos is not your bag, we're also looking at:

Jeff Sessions

Wilbur Ross

Rex Tillerson

Scott Pruitt

Kris Kobach

Steve Mnuchin

In actual news, special prosecutor Bob Mueller yesterday indicted 13 Russians for interfering in the 2016 election. Essentially, what these folks are charged with is concocting fake news -- as in, completely fabricated -- and then spamming Facebook groups with it, with the goal of sowing discord between Clinton and Sanders supporters or otherwise throwing things into chaos.

This story I did in March 2017 with Jason Cherkis went deep into that phenomenon, so if you're curious what crime Mueller uncovered, you can read about it here.

James Risen, meanwhile, has written an essential tick-tock of Russiagate. If you've ever found yourself losing the thread of this sprawling scandal, this'll help you get a handle on it.

And on the campaign trail, a new development: the campaigns of two candidates for Congress, Randy Bryce, running against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin, and Jess King, running in Lancaster and Reading, Pennsylvania, have both unionized, with both candidates encouraging the effort. Story by Zaid Jilani here.

And here's the cover:

This email grows by word of mouth. If you enjoy getting it, please forward this note to friends and tell them to sign up to start getting their own copy here.

I'm the Washington bureau chief at The Intercept, and I send this several times a week. If you want to contribute directly to help keep the thing running, you can do so here, though be warned a donation comes with no tote bags or extra premium content or anything. Or you can support it by buying a copy of Out of the Ooze: The Story of Dr. Tom Price or Wall Street's White House, the first two books put out by Strong Arm Press, a small progressive publishing house I cofounded.

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