Friday, February 23, 2018

DCCC goes nuclear on one of its own

Last night, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took the extraordinary step of publicly attacking a prominent Democratic candidate in a contested Texas primary. The party committee's move was made all the more jarring given the background of the candidate, Laura Moser, who in 2017 became a hero of the Trump resistance movement as the creator of Daily Action, a text-messaging tool that channelled progressive anger into a single piece of activism per day.

"Democratic voters need to hear that Laura Moser is not going to change Washington. She is a Washington insider, who begrudgingly moved to Houston to run for Congress," warns the DCCC in an oppo dossier it dropped on Moser.

To date, the DCCC has made only two such memos public, one on Moser, and the other on arch-conservative Rick Saccone, a Republican running in an upcoming special election.

The dropping of the opposition research on Moser comes after I published an article Thursday morning highlighting a rift in the race, with the pro-choice women's group backing Lizzie Pannill Fletcher against Moser. The DCCC and EMILY's List often work hand in glove.


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